We have a few openings left! Mention this post at your appointment to add on one of our favorite new services and get $15 off! Halie: Thursday: 9:30am, 11:45amFriday: 10am, 4:30pm, 6pmSaturday: 9am, 2pmBre (cryo facelift): Monday: 9am, 12pmTuesday: 9am, 12pm, 1pmWe have openings just for permanent jewelry, waxing, lash lifts or teeth whitening this week as well! DM us for the links to book the services you'd like!

We have a few openings left!  Mention this post at your appointment to add on one of our favorite new services and get $15 off! Halie: Thursday: 9:30am, 11:45amFriday: 10am, 4:30pm, 6pmSaturday: 9am, 2pmBre (cryo facelift): Monday: 9am, 12pmTuesday: 9am, 12pm, 1pmWe have openings just for permanent jewelry, waxing, lash lifts or teeth whitening this week as well!  DM us for the links to book the services you'd like!

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