Super soft powder brows are an amazing transformation for any client. We chose to keep this look very natural. She will most likely heal very light but we will add more color at her perfecting session. I like to play it safe to see how clients heal before going to heavy on color. We can always add more, it's so important to trust the healing process. I promise I know what I'm talking about….. DM me and book!! I can't wait to see you.

Super soft powder brows are an amazing transformation for any client.  We chose to keep this look very natural. She will most likely heal very light but we will add more color at her perfecting session.  I like to play it safe to see how clients heal before going to heavy on color. We can always add more, it's so important to trust the healing process. I promise I know what I'm talking about.....  DM me and book!! I can't wait to see you.

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