Lets talk removal for just a minute….its not something anyone wants to deal with but things happen, right? 🗣 Maybe you chose the wrong artist and now you're left with a really bad design. (WHICH IS HAPPENING MORE AND MORE BTW) In a lot of cases I am able to reshape and color correct. 🗣 Sometimes that's not the case and we need to lighten an entire brow or remove a portion to make the shape more flattering. 🗣 Migration on bad liner? Come talk to me!!! 🗣Lastly….. IF YOUVE MADE A MISTAKE CONTACT ME IMMEDIATELY!! I do have emergency options available on a case by case basis. Don't think you'll just have to live with it. A highly trained and skilled artist I can help.

Lets talk removal for just a minute....its not something anyone wants to deal with but things happen, right? 🗣 Maybe you chose the wrong artist and now you're left with a really bad design. (WHICH IS HAPPENING MORE AND MORE BTW) In a lot of cases I am able to reshape and color correct. 🗣 Sometimes that's not the case and we need to lighten an entire brow or remove a portion to make the shape more flattering. 🗣 Migration on bad liner?  Come talk to me!!! 🗣Lastly..... IF YOUVE MADE A MISTAKE CONTACT ME IMMEDIATELY!! I do have emergency options available on a case by case basis. Don't think you'll just have to live with it.  A highly trained and skilled artist I can help.

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