Let's talk eyeliner! Seriously ya'll…..please, please, please be careful with who you allow to tattoo your beautiful faces. This client gave me permission to use her photos in hopes that it would help you make the best decision possible. The last pictures are of her eyes after her procedure with another artist (not in town!) AND unfortunately this is only one case out of many that I've seen. This is not normal! My clients have very little swelling, if any, and are very comfortable during their procedures with me. This client is extremely vascular on her top lids which means caution should be used when working or it can cause migration ( liner looks like you've been crying). And let's just add migration is not ok! Although it can happen, in the hands of a well trained artist the chances are VERY MINIMAL!! In most cases I won't touch someone else's work because I can't fix it without it poorly reflecting my work. I was able to take this one and after just one session with me…..we are THRILLED with the results. We mainly focused on correcting her top so the bottom will be my focus later on when we do her 2nd session. I really love helping women feel beautiful and giving them permanent makeup that will be beautiful for years to come. Please choose wisely! I'm here to help, DM me with any questions.