I was so glad to finally meet this fair skinned beauty yesterday! I get asked all the time what liner will look like if your lashes are very light and you don't want to wear mascara, this is the perfect example. Another great way to tell is to put liner on at home without mascara and see how you like the look! A lashline enhancement is a great way to accentuate your eyes no matter what color your lashes are. ️ #lashlineenhancement #newservicescomingsoon #iloveliner #permantmakeup #gorgeous #women #permanenteyeliner #getonmybooks

I was so glad to finally meet this fair skinned beauty yesterday!  I get asked all the time what liner will look like if your lashes are very light and you don't want to wear mascara, this is the perfect example. Another great way to tell is to put liner on at home without mascara and see how you like the look!  A lashline enhancement is a great way to accentuate your eyes no matter what color your lashes are. ️ #lashlineenhancement #newservicescomingsoon #iloveliner #permantmakeup #gorgeous #women #permanenteyeliner #getonmybooks

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