I can not stress enough the importance of the perfecting session. Some clients come in, have great retention (insert pat on the back for myself here ) and need very little work done to make their brows… Well perfect. This client had great results from the first session but I extended a few strokes to make her arch more dramatic and shaded a bit more to blend the hair strokes I had created with her natural brow. Swipe left to see how those small changes opened that space between her brow and her eye to create a lifting effect. Don't tell me brows don't matter #browsthatwow #brows #microbladingplusshading #microblading #nonsurgicalfacelift #browsmatter #danggirl #madisonvilleky #madisonville #kentucky #getonmyschedule #hadassahhairstudio @alampton1 @simplynailsbyamanda

I can not stress enough the importance of the perfecting session.  Some clients come in, have great retention (insert pat on the back for myself here ) and need very little work done to make their brows... Well perfect.  This client had great results from the first session but I extended a few strokes to make her arch more dramatic and shaded a bit more to blend the hair strokes I had created with her natural brow.  Swipe left to see how those small changes opened that space between her brow and her eye to create a lifting effect.  Don't tell me brows don't matter  #browsthatwow #brows #microbladingplusshading #microblading #nonsurgicalfacelift #browsmatter #danggirl #madisonvilleky #madisonville #kentucky #getonmyschedule #hadassahhairstudio  @alampton1 @simplynailsbyamanda

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