Have you had previous work done in the past and need a brow "do over"? I can help! =========================Color theory is so very important not only for creating new brows but very much so when you have old work that needs to be covered. =========================The original work was not done by me but I was confident I could cover it well by improving the color and shape to make the brows more asymmetrical. I'm so happy with the results. ===========================If this sounds like something you need help with, DM me a picture of your brows with no makeup. I'd love to chat to see if we can level up your brow game 🤩🤩🤩#enviousinkcosmetics

Have you had previous work done in the past and need a brow "do over"? I can help! =========================Color theory is so very important not only for creating new brows but very much so when you have old work that needs to be covered. =========================The original work was not done by me but I was confident I could cover it well by improving the color and shape to make the  brows more asymmetrical.  I'm so happy with the results. ===========================If this sounds like something you need help with, DM me a picture of your brows with no makeup.  I'd love to chat to see if we can level up your brow game 🤩🤩🤩#enviousinkcosmetics

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