Happy Wednesday!! How many of you are thinking about the upcoming year and all of the possibilities? Or are you stepping into it a little hesitant because…. well #2020? 🤷‍♀️~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~We tend to do New Year, New Me for a few months (at best) then life happens and we feel defeated. How about this year instead of setting goals that set us up for failure, we love ourselves and those around us just a little more. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Don't get me wrong, I have goals for the next year but I've broken them down into small victories to get to an overall bigger picture. And if something doesn't go as planned, I'm going to give myself grace to be a little upset and frustrated but then get back up and keep moving forward. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I strive to create a space for each of you to feel welcome in my chair and for it to be a place where you feel safe and beautiful. We share life together in the time you are with me and I love getting to catch up with each of you during our appointment time. I'm so excited to see where life takes each of you this year. I'm praying for many blessings over your life in the days to come and on those days that life gets hard, well at least your makeup will look amazing, right?? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Happy New Year friends!! Tell me below what you are most looking forward to in the next year

Happy Wednesday!! How many of you are thinking about the upcoming year and all of the possibilities?  Or are you stepping into it a little hesitant because.... well #2020? 🤷‍♀️~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~We tend to do New Year, New Me for a few months (at best) then life happens and we feel defeated.  How about this year instead of setting goals that set us up for failure, we love ourselves and those around us just a little more. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Don't get me wrong, I have goals for the next year but I've broken them down into small victories to get to an overall bigger picture.  And if something doesn't go as planned, I'm going to give myself grace to be a little upset and frustrated but then get back up and keep moving forward. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I strive to create a space for each of you to feel welcome in my chair and for it to be a place where you feel safe and beautiful.  We share life together in the time you are with me and I love getting to catch up with each of you during our appointment time.  I'm so excited to see where life takes each of you this year.  I'm praying for many blessings over your life in the days to come and on those days that life gets hard, well at least your makeup will look amazing, right?? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Happy New Year friends!! Tell me below what you are most looking forward to in the next year

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