Whew, football can wait……. How about these new brows?? 🩷 When correcting previous work, there are many things to consider! It's important that your artist can see past the old style to create the best enhancement for your face. We want to make sure we aren't accentuating the wrong things. My client has a very high natural arch, which is BEAUTIFUL if the right features are enhanced, BUT if we only go on natural brow hair, it can leave the client feeling like they look angry. In order to create balance, I added a little to top of the front of the brows, brought the arch down a tiny bit, and……..Dang girl! Now we let them heal and trust the process then in 6 weeks, we will perfect! It's highly likely we will go a touch darker on color, but these are sooooo pretty! Now continue with your Sunday 🩷