There is really nothing better than a beautiful frame for some gorgeous green eyes The thought of new brows can be a little scary, especially when you are used to very light or tiny natural brows, BUT what a difference a good shape can make! I've had the sweetest clients this week, and I'm so thankful for each of you who come see me. Happy Friday, friends 🤍#powderbrows #madisonvillleky #permanentmakeup #enviousink

There is really nothing better than a beautiful frame for some gorgeous green eyes  The thought of new brows can be a little scary, especially when you are used to very light or tiny natural brows, BUT what a difference a good shape can make! I've had the sweetest clients this week, and I'm so thankful for each of you who come see me. Happy Friday, friends 🤍#powderbrows #madisonvillleky #permanentmakeup #enviousink

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