Let's talk asymmetry for a minute, shall we? Everyone has differences from one side of their face to the other. Often we say brows and boo…..ahhem, I'll keep this PG, are sisters, not twins 🤣BUT what happens when they are more like cousins?? 🤷‍♀️We have two options: 1. A good injector can usually help even out a super stong brow muscle (you know the one you raise at your kids so they know you mean business)Or 2. We can embrace the differences but help disguise them a little by creating an optical illusion. I have clients who've chosen either or both but here we decided to go with option 2. By adding a little to the top of one brow and the bottom of the other, I was able to help get the girls back to sisters! I LOVE the change and her new brows are so beautiful we can't wait for her next service. Can you guess what it will be??? You may have problems but your brows shouldn't be one……let me help #powderbrows #brows #permanantmakeupartist #madisonvillleky #enviousinkcosmetics

Let's talk asymmetry for a minute, shall we? Everyone has differences from one side of their face to the other.  Often we say brows and boo.....ahhem, I'll keep this PG, are sisters, not twins 🤣BUT what happens when they are more like cousins?? 🤷‍♀️We have two options: 1.  A good injector  can usually help even out a super stong brow muscle (you know the one you raise at your kids so they know you mean business)Or 2.  We can embrace the differences but help disguise them a little by creating an optical illusion. I have clients who've chosen either or both but here we decided to go with option 2.  By adding a little to the top of one brow and the bottom of the other, I was able to help get the girls back to sisters!  I LOVE the change and her new brows are so beautiful we can't wait for her next service. Can you guess what it will be??? You may have problems but your brows shouldn't be one......let me help #powderbrows #brows #permanantmakeupartist #madisonvillleky #enviousinkcosmetics

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