I love to learn!! I've said many times that I would go to school for the rest of my life if I could. Once I'm interested in something I'll read everything I can get my hands on (no joke I once spent an entire Sunday afternoon researching river otters because a friend posted a pic of one in their backyard and I needed to know why it was there – seriously🙄). I'll research and try my best to become an expert in the area in interested in. I'm just starting my permanant cosmetics journey but make no mistake I've been working on this for over a year and a half before I decided to actually take clients. Partially because this is one of the hardest things I've ever done and I want to do it well but mostly because I'm hard on myself. I had people along the way to help remind me that I was capable of great things but until I believed in my heart that I was ready I couldn't move forward. So this is your reminder that if you have a dream, a plan or a passion…. Stop waiting and go live it out!!! I can do hard things and so can you! Believe in yourself every single day and pretty soon you'll find yourself in the middle of something absolutely amazing. ️

I love to learn!! I've said many times that I would go to school for the rest of my life if I could.  Once I'm interested in something I'll read everything I can get my hands on (no joke I once spent an entire Sunday afternoon researching river otters because a friend posted a pic of one in their backyard and I needed to know why it was there - seriously🙄). I'll research and try my best to become an expert in the area in interested in.  I'm just starting my permanant cosmetics journey but make no mistake I've been working on this for over a year and a half before I decided to actually take clients.  Partially because this is one of the hardest things I've ever done and I want to do it well but mostly because I'm hard on myself.  I had people along the way to help remind me that I was capable of great things but until I believed in my heart that I was ready I couldn't move forward.  So this is your reminder that if you have a dream, a plan or a passion.... Stop waiting and go live it out!!! I can do hard things and so can you!  Believe in yourself every single day and pretty soon you'll find yourself in the middle of something absolutely amazing. ️

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