Halie is ready to see you this week and she's already booking!! Here are some openings she has below: Tuesday: 9:30am 11:00am, 4;30pm, 6pmThursday: 9:30am, 2:20pmFriday: 9:30am, 4:00pm, 5:30pmSaturday: Openings starting at 9am! If you work and need a later appointment or Saturday, its time to get on her books and secure your spot! 🤍 Booking link is in our bio but we can always help….shoot us a dm! Psst: Be sure to add on any extra services you like while booking

Halie is ready to see you this week and she's already booking!! Here are some openings she has below: Tuesday: 9:30am 11:00am, 4;30pm, 6pmThursday: 9:30am, 2:20pmFriday: 9:30am, 4:00pm, 5:30pmSaturday: Openings starting at 9am! If you work and need a later appointment or Saturday, its time to get on her books and secure your spot! 🤍 Booking link is in our bio but we can always help....shoot us a dm! Psst: Be sure to add on any extra services you like while booking

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