
I always try to prepare my clients for the healing process that comes with new brows. You'll completely understand if you've had microblading but its always worth the wait and I almost always get a few text in between with some concern but ending with how much they love them. . If you have questions about microblading please feel free to message me! I'd love to help you feel more confident and have great brows for the holidays ️

I always try to prepare my clients for the healing process that comes with new brows. You'll completely understand if you've had microblading but its always worth the wait and I almost always get a few text in between with some concern but ending with how much they love them. . If you have questions about microblading please feel free to message me! I'd love to help you feel more confident and have great brows for the holidays ️ Read More »

My favorite thing today was getting to know a new client and making her brows happy just added to the fun!! I'd say it's been a pretty good Tuesday #lovemyclients #enviousinkcosmetics #perfectbrows #microblading #getonmybooks #thosebrowstho #letmecustomizeyourbrows

My favorite thing today was getting to know a new client and making her brows happy just added to the fun!! I'd say it's been a pretty good Tuesday #lovemyclients #enviousinkcosmetics #perfectbrows #microblading #getonmybooks #thosebrowstho #letmecustomizeyourbrows Read More »

Obviously my skills are improving behind the camera but those brows!! Today was touch up day for this green eyed beauty who let me work in her when I was first starting and she was ok with letting me add a little drama. I can't wait to see these completely healed in a few weeks once her skin has calmed down and the pigment has softened. #greeneyes #microblading #enviousinkcosmetics #hadassahhairstudio

Obviously my skills are improving behind the camera but those brows!! Today was touch up day for this green eyed beauty who let me work in her when I was first starting and she was ok with letting me add a little drama. I can't wait to see these completely healed in a few weeks once her skin has calmed down and the pigment has softened. #greeneyes #microblading #enviousinkcosmetics #hadassahhairstudio Read More »